Friday, February 26, 2010

I had to buy the pink work out shoes...

Heather’s introduction was pretty amazing. I would have posted earlier but I was busy trimming my moustache (You have to see the previous post for that to be funny). Anyway, hello to all of the readers out there! This is Stef. If this were an episode of the Real World I would be the fat, gay, musician one. That being said, I’d get a lot of air time, but never get a record deal or a modeling contract. I’d probably get a lot of air time because I would eat all of the food in the house and the roomies would be pissed. Anyway……
I’m just gonna say it, I’m fat. I feel like I’ve been fat my whole life. I think I have an eating disorder. We’re going to call it fatorexic. I’ve been told to watch my weight ever since the 3rd grade, and for some reason my brain took that to mean “there’s no hope, so just keep on what you’re doing because you’ll always be fat.” So I did. I was also forced to eat everything on my plate before I could go play, and that has stuck with me. There were skinny times in my life, but I was either starving all of the time or doing drugs that gave me bad teeth (just the back teeth thank God) and screwed up my sleeping schedule. I am no longer starving or strung out, but of course that means I am no longer skinny. L
Let me be clear, the purposes of the goals I want to accomplish (which will be outlined in a future post) are not to just get skinny. I want to be healthy. I want to stop waking up tired, ending my day exhausted, getting winded when walking up a flight of stairs. I want to be able to run a half marathon next year. The perks of my health goals will enable me to wear a bathing suit without wanting to die, and buy the clothes that are on the mannequins at the stores. Let’s be honest the clothes on the mannequins are no longer cute when they are 8 sizes bigger. The best perk of all is that I will be adding years to my life, and actually enjoy living those extra years.
So I’m ready to start this journey. I’m excited to have this adventure with my best friend. We started out at the age of three watching rainbow bright (the rainbow part only rubbed off on me) and we continued to be best friends for the rest of our lives. It only makes sense that I would make a huge life change with Heather hanging on for the ride. Hopefully she doesn’t jump off… I might get cranky. Hopefully, by blogging this experience we will be able to motivate others, or at least give people a good laugh. That’s all for now folks.


  1. Yea for Stef and Heather!!! I love that this is about getting healthy and fatorexic is my new favorite word!!! Seriously, thanks for making this public, I really needed some motivation right now to take care of my health and get in shape too. You guys are awesome!!! :)

  2. Since I am trying a very similar get healthy thing and since this is well written (at least its funny, I will be very interested in following. I am 2 weeks into jogging and can almost go the 1st leg without my lungs burning. Although I am now at a debate tournament and had a donut, this is def not healthy (the donut or debate). I will look forward to reading someone going through the same thing. Here's to being sexy!

  3. Im two kill me. I also am fatorexic. I recently made the same life change to get healthy and have given up was rough at first but now I am there. I want to feature you guys on my blog sometime..
